Data communication and remote monitoring of all the machine's functions and performance
This technology enables data communication and remote monitoring of all the machine's functions and performance via a Wi-Fi link.
The data, which are sent by the machine to a web platform, can be used for statistical consumption analysis of, for example, the number of drinks dispensed, both in total and per selection.
The technology also means that the machine can be monitored constantly, as it provides a real-time snapshot of all the machine’s parts and communicates any errors or malfunctions directly to the technician.
Consumption monitoring
Control of dispensing parameters
Wash control and ongoing analysis
Analysis and prevention of malfunctions
Effective and efficient planning of maintenance operations
Traditional and superautomatic
The great innovation in telemetry in the S range is the BI-DIRECTIONALITY of data communication.
This feature enables machine data communication to the web platform and allows operators to access the machine itself remotely via the web, to modify, for example, machine settings or dispensing parameters. Enables all machine parameters to be set remotely. It allows technicians to modify the drink dispensing parameters remotely, without needing to be physically present on the spot.
We adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).